Johnson Walton Funeral Home



The decision to purchase an everlasting memorial for a loved one should be made with great care and consideration. A monument or memorial that you purchase through Johnson-Walton Funeral Home, someone you know and trust, helps insure that you will be happy with all aspects of the process.

All memorial products are provided through Funeral Home Memorial Supply Co., a local, family owned, 5 generation company, serving the funeral industry for over 85 years.

Together, we have the experience, resources and integrity to assist you through this trying period.

From concept, through design, to completion and installation in the cemetery, our skilled staff will handle every detail. Whether you choose a time tested style or a personalized, unique monument, you can be confident that the final tribute will reflect our commitment to first-class workmanship and attention to detail. There are countless designs and many granite colors and finishes to choose from. Designs may include standard or special symbols and lettering to reflect the unique lives of those who have passed.

As a consumer, you need to be aware of advertisers and telemarketers who use deceptive tactics to pressure you during this sensitive period. When you are ready to design a bronze or granite memorial, protect yourself by talking to Johnson-Walton Funeral Home first. Contact us to get started.

Monument Organizations